On October 13th several of our Undergraduate Brothers listed below participated in the Chartering of the new 153rd Fiji Chapter, Nu Eta, at Northeastern University in Boston. Not just participated, they made up the entire ritual team who performed the initiation ceremonies for 72 new Fiji Brothers at Northeastern. It took three separate and successive initiation ceremonies throughout the course of the day Saturday to get this accomplished.
Ritual Team:
Chase Arsenault - President
John Avant - Treasurer
Sebastian Rodriguez - Recording Sec.
Aidan Mayer - Corresponding Sec.
Leo Gonzales - Historian
Zeb Yap-Chung
Ben Bushe
It was great seeing such a great group of men officially join our Fraternity! Big shout out to our section chief Tim Kilduff and NEU BCA President Buddy Cotè for being by our sides in this important step! #perge #fiji #mightyproud
